I would introduce you to my design team but it's just me. LOL. I love to design things and can spend all day designing. My absolute favorite designing program would have to be PhotoShop because it's brought me thus far; hundreds of invitations, funeral programs, family reunion shirts, and banners later.
I taught myself how to use PhotoShop, believe it or not, by searching the web for tutorials, practicing, and, thanks to the people of my hometown, actually designing stuff.
However, there's a new program in town (well it's old but I just got the newest version... and I'm super stoked about it) I've been trying to learn on my own. I took a class a few semesters ago to learn Adobe Illustrator CS5 but I just couldn't understand the teacher. I would have rather paid someone off the street the amount I paid for the class to someone who knows the tricks of the trade.
The design fad right now, for my Samoan clientele, is Samoan tattoo design. It's been a real hit!
Designs these days will run you $150 or $60-$75/hr. I don't charge that! Hit me up and I will work with you.
Jasmyn aka Faga